Rebekah Ricketts - Head of English and Radio Host - Dubai

In this episode I’m talking to Rebekah Ricketts. Rebekah is Head of the English Department at Safa British School in Dubai. In addition to that, she hosts The Drive Home show for Teachers Talk Radio every Monday. 

We discuss:

- The best book Rebekah’s ever taught, read or learnt in school and why

- A text or unit that she’s been keen to introduce to the classroom but isn’t quite ready to do so yet

- An introduction to her career to date and why she took the opportunity to host a show on Teachers Talk Radio

- Rebekah’s opinion on how best to give feedback during formative or summative assessment 

- The most challenging part of being a Head of Department in Rebekah’s experience

- The best advice she’s ever been given or come across in terms of teaching

-  And finally, resources that she’d recommend for teachers seeking to improve.

Thanks again to Rebekah for giving up part of her weekend to offer up lots of fantastic ideas and advice for people working or looking to work abroad. 

If you’d like to be kept abreast of chats like this then be sure to subscribe to the podcast or simply follow me on Twitter, @chrisjordanhk. 


Rebekah’s interview with Chris Curtis

Crafting Brilliant Sentences by Lindsay Skinner

Retrieval Practice by Kate Jones

Rebekah Ricketts - Head of English and Radio Host - Dubai
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David Didau - A Knowledge Rich English Curriculum


Fiona Mulholland - Head of English - Hong Kong