Shane Leaning - Organisational Coach - Shanghai

In this episode I am speaking to Shane Leaning. Shane is an organisational Coach, international educator, author and podcaster. As a prolific creator in a number of different spaces, I was keen to get Shane on to discuss what it takes and what it’s like to make the switch from teaching students to advising schools around the world.

We discuss:

1. What made Shane transition from the classroom to consultant in the first place

2. His process for making contact with potential school partners

3. Shane’s go to texts to inspire and inform him on the job

4. The current state of the private education sector in China

5. And finally the original intention for his podcast and how that has evolved over time

Thanks again to Shane for his generosity in terms of time spent chatting as well as all the content he produces via the podcast and beyond.

If you want to be kept up to date on when educational chat like this happens, then be sure to subscribe to the podcast and/or follow me on Twitter @chrisjordanhk


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