Dr Daniel Rosen - Head of Secondary - Düsseldorf

In this episode, I’m talking with Dr Daniel Rosen. Dan is currently Head of Secondary at St George's Düsseldorf. He also writes a brilliant blog entitled musings of a dr and more recently hosted the International version of TeachMeet Icons. Over the course of the conversation, we discuss:

  • A quick introduction to Dan’s career in teaching

  • How recruitment for schools in Germany has been affected by the pandemic and Brexit

  • The extent to which international schools struggle to keep pace with teaching and learning improvement seen in the UK state sector

  • What granting teachers more autonomy means in practical terms

  • What schools need to establish in order to be ready to roll learning communities out as an initiative

  • Good and bad proxies for promotion when appointing new members of middle or senior leadership

  • And finally, advice Dan would give to teachers or Heads of Department that want to move into whole school teaching and learning roles in the future

Thanks again to Dan for giving up part of his weekend to elaborate on some of his excellent blog posts that I’ll link to in the show notes as well as practical advice on how to approach  any ambitions people may have about accessing middle or senior management.

If you want to be kept up to date on when educational chat like this happens, then be sure to subscribe to the podcast and/or follow me on Twitter @chrisjordanhk


Dan’s blog - musingsofadr

TeachMeet International Icons recording

Drive by Daniel Pink

Nick Hart’s blog


Tanay Naik - Secondary School Deputy Principal - Hanoi


Dr Rick Smith - Counsellor and Education Consultant - Hong Kong