Tanay Naik - Secondary School Deputy Principal - Hanoi

In this episode I’m talking with Tanay Naik. Tanay is Secondary School Deputy Principal for Teaching and Learning at United Nations International School of Hanoi. He has recently co-authored an article in The International Educator and is a  contributor and advocate for the Association of International Educators and Leaders of Color.

In the show we discuss:

- A quick introduction to Tanay’s career in education to date

- As a school, why and how UNIS Hanoi recently decided to gather staff demographic data

- What unconscious bias training is and what Tanay took away from it personally

- What a UNIS Hanoi interview looks and sounds like

- The most common advice Tanay had for people who wanted to join the school but weren’t yet suitable

- And finally, advice Tanay would give to teachers or Heads of Department that want to move into whole school teaching and learning roles in the future

Thank you again to Tanay for sharing some excellent best practice, plenty of management insight and his school’s ongoing commitment to DEIJ approaches. 

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Tanay’s co-authored article for The International Educator

Tanay’s presentation on behalf of AIELOC

Overview of common hiring biases


Amber Rhinehart - MYP Coordinator - Accra


Dr Daniel Rosen - Head of Secondary - Düsseldorf